we lead sex toy market in middle east

We have 3 Factories in China, 10+ Brands in Japan. That’s why we can do better than others.

KnowYourLittleThing.com, an e-commerce platform, Ajman Free Zone registered. The ultimate destination for adult fashion, where style meets desire in a symphony of elegance. Rooted in the heart of Dubai, we are not just a brand but a unique e-commerce experience dedicated to the dynamic market of the United Arab Emirates, with a special focus on the vibrant city of Dubai.

Yes, you’re right. I am the one behind this site. Hope you love my style (very traditional Japanese style) and hope more for your lovings to my business! Do you want us to be friends? Place an order and we we can meet and talk (mayby) :)

Lydia, Founder & CEO

Lydia is my best friend from childhood. I still remember how excited I was when she first time invited me to run this business in Dubai. Ok, let’s drop the beat! BTW, every item you buy from our store was hand-picked by me :)

Gigi, CO-Founder & Sales
customer service times


09:00 ~ 20.00


09:00 ~ 21.00